jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016

How to teach a child to be generous.

Hello I’m Clara and I’m going to give some appropriate tips for parents about how to teach their children to be generous, hardworking and responsable citizens. In some cases rising a child could be difficult for parents and also kids. 

First of all, we need to know that kids try to imite everything they see. They repeat words, gestures and unconsciously copy facial expression form their parents. They will be strongly influenced by them. Almost all parents want their children to be well-mannered but they have to instill good manners in them. 

Added to this, although we don not believe it, the childhood of your kid will affect his mood at his teenage years. Modern teenagers use social networks and it can also affect them. At that age, they make friends and they tell each other the best secrets they have. It could be a problem, because if someone breaks a promise or tells a secret could cause terrible fights among teenagers. 

However, parents try that their kids get the best marks they can. I strongly believe parents do not have to overwhelm them. They only have to encourage them to get these high marks and tell them they will be whatever they want with effort. 

In a nutshell, parents want the best for their children so they have to teach them good manners. Youngsters will grow up with their friends and their family, and for this reason, both will have to give these kids the best feelings they have to make them feel comfortable with themselves.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016

Deep quotes.

“Human relationships are strange.
I mean, 
you are with one person a while, 
eating and sleeping and living with them, 
loving them, 
talking to them, going places together, 
and then
it stops.”

—Charles Bukowski.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016

Deep quotes.

“We don’t fall in love with people, we fall in love with ideas.
Ideas of what we want people to be like.
How we want them to treat us. love us.

Just greedy ideas that we want for ourselves.”

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

Deep quotes.

“Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts, rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all the pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.”— Liam Neeson.

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

Funnel / descriptive lead.

Satisfaction. That is what you really feel when you can touch the cold but new wind on a summer morning. The sun falls on your body and in that moment is when you feel a collision between cold and hot… between day and night. Close your eyes, now you are blind. Birds are singing, and the relaxing sound of the waves will tear you apart. This is what you can see, what you can feel in a summer sunrise on the beach.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Deep quotes.

“Vincent Van Gogh used to eat yellow paint because he thought it would get the happiness inside him. Many people thought he was mad and stupid for doing so because the paint was toxic, never mind that it was obvious that eating paint couldn’t possibly have any direct correlation to one’s happiness, but I never saw that. If you were so unhappy that even the maddest ideas could possibly work, like painting the walls of your internal organs yellow, then you are going to do it. It’s really no different than falling in love or taking drugs. There is a greater risk of getting your heart broken or overdosing, but people still do it everyday because there was always that chance it could make things better. Everyone has their yellow paint.”— Alexandra Timmer.